Repairing Your Chimney Pointing

Chimney potting, cleaning, and flue maintenance are all necessary tasks to keep your home’s chimney running well. However, not every chore needs to be a daunting chore. Sometimes a simple cleaning might do the trick and the job of what is chimney pointing can be accomplished by someone who knows what they are doing. If you want to know what is chimney tuckpointing, whether it’s something that you need to do yourself, or whether you should hire someone to do it, the following are some of the questions you should ask. Keep in mind that chimney construction and maintenance is a process that often involves many different parties.

chimney pointing

Who should I hire for chimney pointing? In many cases, your local chimney company will offer a free consultation to assess your situation and see what you can do about it. If there is significant water damage, a plumber may be called in to complete the job. If the only issue is excess condensation you may be able to take care of the problem yourself. If the pipes are so badly damaged that there is no hope of fixing the problem on your own, chimney repointing should be the next step.

What is chimney pointing? Depending on the diameter and length of your home, this can vary. The general rule of thumb is that if your chimney is less than 72 inches long, there is no need to fix anything at all. If the length is greater than 72 inches, however, it is recommended that bricks or mortar be used to help with repairing the problem.

What is brick or mortar used for chimney pointing and chimney tuck-pointing? In most cases brick or mortar is used to repair minor damages to homes. This material is not as strong as shingles or wood, so it cannot usually withstand very strong wind forces. It also does not hold up well to acidic soil, so it is not used on newer homes with clay tile roofs.

A chimney crown is what happens when bricks or mortar cracks and crumbles on the inside of your home. This usually happens after the roof has been damaged, due to heavy rains or other reasons. The result is an unsightly column that protrudes from the roof of your home and looks like a big black ugly protruding thing. Repairing this is usually very difficult, but it can be done if you hire a professional chimney repairing contractor. There are some DIY ways to repair it, but if you want a professional result that will last for years, you really need to hire a chimney tuck-pointing expert.

What is a chimney pointer? A chimney pointer is a metal pole that is put in front of your home, to help you see what you are doing when you get ready to repair your chimney. It is designed to keep people from walking through your house when they are working on your chimney, since bricks and mortar can trip you up if you are not careful. It is especially important for older homes, since many older houses have brickwork along their eaves, and if this is not removed, the mortar can begin to crumble and fall out, and then you may have to replace it all. You should avoid working on your chimney with mortar if at all possible.

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